Chicago Immigration Attorneys

A Guide to the Naturalization Interview

The purpose of the naturalization interview is for a USCIS officer to determine if an applicant meets all the requirements for naturalization. As such, the interviewing officer must focus on specific questions that will allow him or her to make an informed decision.

The first step during the interview is for the USCIS office to identify him or herself and to inform the applicant about the purpose of the interview. The immigration officer will then place the applicant under oath and begin asking questions.

Courthouse with an american flag out front

While the interview is not limited to these topics, these are the subjects that most immigration officers will cover during the naturalization interview:

  • Biographical information disclosed on Form N-400, which includes marital history and military service;
  • Civics test (basic knowledge of English and of U.S. history and government)
  • Employment and residence history;
  • Admission and length of time the applicant has been a lawful permanent resident (LPR);
  • Attachment to and understanding of the principles of the U.S. Constitution;
  • Willingness to take an Oath of Allegiance;
  • Arrest record;
  • Moral character;
  • Trips abroad since becoming an LPR
  • Memberships in certain organizations

If additional evidence is required after the interview is completed, the officer will issue a “Request for Evidence,” which requires the applicant to submit additional evidence in support of his or her application for naturalization. In most cases, the applicant will have 30 days to submit this evidence.

However, if no additional evidence is required, the officer will offer some indication of where the case stands; in other words, the applicant may learn if their case will be recommended for approval or held for further review.

The information presented on this page is a general overview of U.S. immigration laws. If you believe you qualify for immigration benefits, we encourage you to contact our office at (312) 698-9066 to schedule an, in-person consultation with one of our Chicago immigration attorneys.

This blog is being made available for educational purposes only, and to provide a general understanding of the U.S. immigration system. The information published on this site should not be construed as legal advice. Furthermore, the use of this site does not create an attorney-client relationship.
